Monday, March 14, 2011

3 Peaks 2011

The 2011 Three Peaks Challenge continued on with the theme from the 2010 Version.
Started off in heavy rain and cloud at Falls Creek, rained all the way down to Mt Beauty, rained up and down Tawonga Gap, rained to Harrietville, rained all the way up Mt Hotham, plus impenetrable fog at the top.Finally cleared up coming into Dinner Plain.Became a beautiful sunny day, all the way to Omeo and then out to the turnoff to Falls Creek, past Anglers Rest.The climb is a shocker, finally got to the top at Trapyard Flat, only 25 kms to go, guess what, it started to rain, high winds, thunderstorm and hail. Just great.
Got back at 1930 very wet and tired.
Did I say it rained?
Elapsed time 12 Hrs 13 mins, riding time 11.17.Its a LONG way, 227 kms, and, according to my Garmin, 5819 Metres of climbing.Cycling Bob finished 15 mins ahead of me with Stewart the GP, Steve (original hardman) Hicks about 2030, and Jim and Alan (the great) Contini about 2100. Didn't see any other GORC'S.Half the field didn't finish.
A great day.
And from Jim...
Nice to be back in Melbourne with the sun shining. Looking back on Sunday the event has not got any easier from last year. The third peak was the killer then and was again. The broken sleep I had been having the previous week thinking about the “Stairway to Falls Creek” came back to haunt me. And just in case we had forgotten about the weather there was another burst of rain nearing the top as the sun set!!

As with last year punctures played a role. Steve got nailed at the Dam Wall and walked the last 3 km. Alan punctured further out and did a sensational job changing the tyre etc and proceeding home. (Never seen him do that on Beach Pde but when it really counted he sorted it out. So the Great Contini is now the Great Fixer). In my case I punctured with 8km to go. Changed the tyre and then punctured again with 4.5km to go. I wasn’t game to try and change that one so I just rode on the flat to the finish line.

Capt Stewie led the troops home and I understand he did get out of the Big Ring up the 3rd Peak. However I must report a degree of additional assistance. A flat tyre just before Omeo was timed to perfection with Jorg arriving in the team support vehicle and providing professional assistance. Stewart also conducted a course inspection then night before by taking the circuitous route to Falls via Towonga Gap.

The Hats Off/Helmets Off effort of the day goes to Rob and Lew. A couple of seasoned mountain veterans who blazed away all day and finished just after 7pm. We say Lew at Dinner Plains lunch stop and rightly so he was just changing into his fresh KOM jersey. Just goes to show those medical practitioners are on different stuff to us mere mortals!!
In amongst the mix was Tony Dalton who went past me up the 3rd Peak (while I had dismounted and was walking) making it look easy and managed to comment that it was a tough climb!!

· 7 started 7 finished
· The exhilarating ride from Dinner Plains to Omeo with the sun shining through.
· Followed by a sensational traverse around to Anglers Rest. Spec views down to the Mitta Mitta River plus really interesting rocks. All good at that stage.
· Throughout the day it was terrific to be able to keep in touch with the crew. Grouping up or overlapping at most of the check points was really good for morale. So thanks to anyone and everyone who slowed down for me.
· The international support crew - Jorg driving over to Dinner Plains from Falls to see how we were getting on. Then encouraging us on through to Omeo. Then in my case being at the finish line to help me get back to the Accomm. Brilliant.
· Not being catatonic at the end
· Being able to enjoy at least 1 glass of Red Wine at Dinner
· Not being cold (Long Live the Revolution!ary Orange Jacket)

OK so thanks to everyone for making it a week end that will not be forgotten (not sure if that is a good thing or not).

Rgds Jim

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