Monday, October 18, 2010

The greatest cyclist of all...

How do you decide who is the greatest cyclist of the modern era?

Someone who obviously has a lot of time on their hands has set about a measuring criteria of cycling success This involves giving a numerical value to the significance of each Pro race, then a further value to the place achieved by each rider in that race, and even a further value to those that achieved a significant string of victories (eg three Paris Roubaix wins or similar). The processed is even refined enough to make allowances for interruptions such as World War II for riders such as Bartali and Coppi.

It's obviously a massive piece of research but the results are very interesting. Highest ranked rider ever no surprise...Eddy Merckx.
Highest ranked Australian? Not Cadel...yet. But I'll give you a hint...he's still riding.

Read all about it:

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